Thank you all for your growing support, it is very much appreciated! If you enjoy the podcast and content I provide please take a moment to leave a review on iTunes. click here
![]() | United States | 2024-09-24 | 5 | EartheffectS Lawn Care | Informed Podcast | A great podcast where Julio shares his story as well as helpful insights into the lawn care industry. |
![]() | United States | 2024-08-25 | 1 | imper069 | Too many ads | Just rambling too much with too many ads. No real substance to this podcast. Has been this way for a very very long time. Finally unsubscribed. |
![]() | United States | 2024-08-24 | 5 | huawilso | Great!!! | I’ve been listening to your podcast for a long time. I enjoy each episode thanks for all the insightful wisdom that you share with us. Each episode is packed with content, if applied would help any lawn care company flourish. |
![]() | United States | 2024-02-07 | 2 | PapaDTay | Trying to get into it… | Trying to get into the podcast but the “uhhhs” and “ummms” are too much😭 |
![]() | United States | 2023-12-16 | 5 | Thanks Jason! | New episode idea? | Hey Julio, I am 16 years old and am planning on starting my lawn care business with my 15 year old friend, could you make a podcast targeted towards us younger folks trying to get started? Thank you so much for all that you do I love listening to your podcast, it is very motivational! |
![]() | United States | 2023-11-13 | 5 | Chad From Houston | Fantastic Podcast with so much Value! | I am very thankful that I was able to find this podcast this year, even though Julio has been after it for awhile now! This was my first year full time in my lawn care business. I have gained so much knowledge from just listening to the Lawn Care Business Success’ this season while I work. Not sure what episode I came in on earlier this year, but I have now started all the way back to the very first episode and listening to ALL episodes. The first episodes date back to 2015 and are PACKED with great content for anyone in the lawn care business, new and existing. I am beyond excited to continue listening to the last 8 years of episodes, experience and knowledge. There are too many episodes that I can name right now that have been great! I cannot imagine where I would be today, had I come across this podcast in 2020 when I started part time. Thank you so much Julio! Your longevity in lawn care and podcasting is very inspiring. Very grateful that you are sharing all of your wisdom and experience with the rest of us. KEEP GOING! 💪🏼 Take care and stay blessed! With Gratitude, Chad Sponseller Southern Reliable Lawn Care LLC |
![]() | Canada | 2023-08-09 | 5 | Nate_Quiet Mow | Candid and Authentic | Julio is a beauty! If you want real-world lawn care business experiences shared, detailed, and lessons explained, then Julio is your guy! I was getting overwhelmed and bored with "influencers" advertising catch phrases like "EARN $2,500 a Day Mowing Lawns." and "$1,000,000 Lawn Care business in 1yr." etc. Julio does not promise outlandish outcomes but he does explain why lawn care works for him why it makes sense to push-through the challenges and accept the wins. He is knowledgeable, articulate, and passionate about business and marketing. The vibe is contagious and encouraging. In true coach-like fashion, he will not mine the diamonds for you but outlines that there are acres of diamonds available to you. You just need to get to work and Julio will share his experiences to help. 5/5 100%. Thank you for your hard work Julio! |
![]() | United States | 2023-07-26 | 1 | Driven Landscapes | Not Actually a Business | Listened to a few episodes, and Julio seems like a nice guy and clearly knows a bit about lawn care and mowing lawns. What he does not know anything about is running an actual business. One guy cutting a few lawns a day is not a business, it's a job. At best he is self employed, and created a job for himself, so kudos for that. In his interviews he talks a lot about the "freedom" of running a business. There is no freedom in the job he has. If he doesn't physically do the work, he has no income. Most W2 jobs have more freedom with PTO, sick days, and paid holidays. He has stated that he is afraid of hiring employees because they will break equipment, not show up, have to be managed, etc. Do not listen to this podcast unless you want to hear about one guy mowing grass. |
![]() | United States | 2023-07-26 | 1 | Lawn Care Guy Ohio | Not Actually a Business | Listened to a few episodes, and Julio seems like a nice guy and clearly knows a bit about lawn care and mowing lawns. What he does not know anything about is running an actual business. One guy cutting a few lawns a day is not a business, it's a job. At best he is self employed, and created a job for himself, so kudos for that. In his interviews he talks a lot about the "freedom" of running a business. There is no freedom in the job he has. If he doesn't physically do the work, he has no income. Most W2 jobs have more freedom with PTO, sick days, and paid holidays. He has stated that he is afraid of hiring employees because they will break equipment, not show up, have to be managed, etc. Do not listen to this podcast unless you want to hear about one guy mowing grass. |
![]() | United States | 2023-07-25 | 5 | Spidermandan66 | Very useful information | I just found this podcast and wow. I started this year with lawn service, I’ve been doing family and friends lawn for years. I’ve been learning and listening to these podcasts and I wish I found this earlier for some of the mistakes I’ve made. Keep up the good work and hope to run into you at the expo. Dan The Caveman Lawn Service. |
![]() | United States | 2023-03-07 | 5 | k.medeiros lawncare | KM | Julio’s podcast is great, he gives a lot of detail and does a lot of research. His info also comes across as genuine not just marketing. I’ve had the chance to talk with Julio and he’s very pleasant and good family man . Nice easy listening . |
![]() | United States | 2023-01-23 | 5 | The Lawn BarberSC | Very informative | Julio, I love the podcasts!! Very fun, educational, and motivational. I always take something away from every podcast. Thanks and God bless you brother!! |
![]() | Australia | 2022-12-14 | 5 | Barty101 | A plethora of knowledge and perspectives | Hey Julio, Just wanted to say as big thank you for the podcast! I have been listening for the last few months and went back and started from podcast 1. It was a bit of a ride getting through the original 50 but seeing you were posting about episode 380ish, I was along for the ride to see how you evolved and boy I’m glad you stuck with it. The new interviews are great listening but there is heaps of value in the 50-150 range. I run a property maintenance business in Melbourne Australia and this year have taken it full time and now have my first staff as well. It’s been a very busy summer here! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you give value back to the community! Regards Andrew Andrew’s Yard Services |
![]() | United States | 2022-12-05 | 5 | Halls Landscaping Solutions | Thank you | Amazing man. So much good information for someone trying to start out. Thank you for all you do!! |
![]() | United States | 2022-05-16 | 5 | tdeezy2010 | loving the podcast!!! | very informative. I just started my own lawn business this past weekend and this podcast played a big part in motivating me to just get out there and work. cut 4 lawns my very first day, and everywhere i go, someone knows a lawn in need. im excited to grow this business!!! |
![]() | United States | 2022-04-24 | 5 | vanessajayde | Inspiring | This podcast is so inspiring! Me and my husband just started our own lawn care business! And we really love listing to this podcast! |
![]() | Australia | 2022-04-12 | 5 | R. Steele. | Fantastic Lawn Podcast | I’ve been listening a while now and I find your podcast very informative and even though I’m in Australia a lot of the content is very relatable. I’m always looking to learn more about the green industry so I appreciate you sharing your ideas and experiences. Regards Wade @ nurtured lawns Brisbane Australia. |
![]() | United States | 2022-04-06 | 5 | Vision Landscaping LLC | Great podcast! | Some really good information here. Take the time to listen pay attention and get your notebook and write down lots of notes. These guys are very experienced and can lead you to the promised land!! |
![]() | United States | 2022-03-24 | 5 | CJ's Mowing Service, Inc. | Great podcast!! | I’ve came across Julio and the Lawn Care Business Success after seeing many of his videos on YouTube. Having been a solo operator/owner for about six years, I wish I’d found him sooner. While I have grown and have employees, it’s still very beneficial information. He talks first hand on several things I stumbled through and learned on the run. It was nice knowing I wasn’t the only one, but also refreshing knowing I was making some good choices. Julio is very down to earth, matter of fact, and always references “in his business,” reminding you this is what has worked for him, but could benefit you. I look forward to each episode |
![]() | United States | 2021-09-09 | 5 | Śtradá | Great podcast! | Great podcast! Planning on starting my own landscape business and this podcast is perfect platform to learn. Host interviews legit business owners and learn what to do and not to do! |
![]() | United States | 2021-07-28 | 5 | J20387 | Thank you | I just started my lawn care business this year and discovered your podcast and your Instagram page. I also come from an automotive background and i’m thankful for the contact you provide. |
![]() | United States | 2021-06-23 | 5 | Og Que | Funny | If I had to take a shot every time Julio says “Uhm”, I’d have alcohol poisoning 😂😂😂 |
![]() | United States | 2021-06-17 | 5 | Cooper96Craft | 5 STAR | This guy is the real deal, I listen to him every day as I mow and it helps me so much. I am 14 years old building my own business while working for my dads bigger lawn care business, I have a 1996 craftsman mower and a $150 dollar craftsman weed eater to start out with and I am up 5 yards by myself, thank you for your help with the podcast about choosing your right mower for your needs!!!! |
![]() | United States | 2021-05-18 | 5 | Og Que | Informational | I just caught onto Julio a week ago and can’t stop listening to him. |
![]() | United States | 2021-03-03 | 5 | Auman Landscape | A leader in the podcast space | Julio has led the way in the lawncare podcast space ! A great podcast from a guy with a vision! |
![]() | Canada | 2021-02-15 | 5 | Luke.m4 | Great show that I always look forward to! | I always look forward to hearing new episodes. It’s informative and brings in new points of view. I am always engaged and want to thank you for putting a great podcast together! - Luke |
![]() | United States | 2020-11-25 | 5 | Travis Hullette | Awesome Podcast! | I’ve been listening for the past couple of months. I have a full time job and wanted to start a side business. Thanks for all the helpful info! Hullette’s Lawn Care - Nashville TN |
![]() | United States | 2020-10-20 | 5 | Tj Castle | An Essential Podcast in my Book | Thanks to Julio for all the advice he has inadvertently given me through my first year in business! I first stumbled across him on YouTube a few times, while searching various subjects and equipment to learn about. What I did not know is that it would be the same person I would be listening to all the time on my newest favorite podcast. It took me a few weeks to figure that out, haha. Julio is very relatable to the beginner, but he also has enough insight and wisdom to give solid advice for the long term, which is especially important and invaluable in the starting years of your business. Rolling out 274 podcasts and counting, with mostly 5-star reviews should say it all! Thank you again for the past advice, continued advice, being yourself and personable, and genuinely caring about the success of others. |
![]() | Australia | 2020-10-11 | 5 | James Miotto | Legendary Landscaping Australia | I have been in the business for 2 years mowing smaller residential lawns in Melbourne Australia. I have started listening to the podcast when I’d go out for a walk or a bike ride. Packed full of gold nuggets and very helpful tips to improve your business. Keep it up mate. 👍✌️ |
![]() | United States | 2020-10-08 | 5 | Sevilla2020 | Great Content | Thanks for the great info/advice shared. Keep up the outstanding work. 100% recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking to be successful on the green industry. Once again Thank you. |
![]() | Canada | 2020-09-28 | 5 | Josh Zacharias | Great Motivation | Hey Julio. I have really been enjoying the podcast since i found it 2 weeks ago and it has really helped me impliment some new practices in my business. I was wondering if you would do a podcast episode about different fertilizers and when to use them or at least recomend some quality online learning material for people who might be looking to add fertilizer treatments to their services. |
![]() | United States | 2020-09-21 | 3 | HeismanLC | Way too much unimportant detail | I’ve heard your segment from a more recent podcast about a hateful review and have a 1 star. But your advice on some of these topics is horrible and way too long winded. This episode about referring other companies, for example. Why not choose to talk about another related industry besides a plumber??? If you only mow, find a company that only sprays or does irrigation or trims trees etc. Refer them and they refer you. A deal with a plumber that you spent all kinds of time on “vetting” and talking to your customers about and calling the plumber yourself etc has spent so much time it’s unbelievable. How many quality calls can anyone expect to get from a plumber? You team up with a spray guy and you will get 10-20 per season. Every year for so long as you both are in business. But you give so much dang detail about your relationship with this guy and how he played hockey with your brother. No one cares. I’m soy but it’s true. We spend about 8-10 minutes per episode of listening to junk we don’t care about and then a fair amount of your episodes are filled with crap details. Sorry to be a hater but this is a comment from one of your typical listeners. It’s so frustrating after a while I can’t listen. I think everyone appreciates your hustle and the free content but you’ve got to polish it up a bit. I’d much rather hear a 35 minute podcast that’s got advertising etc but is solid. Not an hour and nine minutes with a bunch of fluff detail and uhms and repeat stories you tell over and over. That being said, I know nothing about running a podcast but passing on frustrating advice because I know what I would like to hear. Just like our clients, if they don’t give us feedback, we don’t know their pain points and they sometimes just move on. Because someone will eventually give them/us exactly what’s desired and will always have them. Thanks for your time. Honestly hope I didn’t ruin your mood for 5 minutes here. 😊 |
![]() | Canada | 2020-09-08 | 1 | GD32112348 | Why?! | Many green industry podcasts support knowing your worth, knowing your numbers and not being a “Chuck in a truck” because a rising tide raises all ships. Why am I bringing this up? Because a recent episode of this podcast was about Julio hiring a chuck in a truck with the most “competitive” (cheap) price to do an awning. This 30 minute cry-fest is actually the first time In the history of the show where you get some emotion out of the guy, as he tells the story of how he stood over the contractor he hired watching every move, boasts about how he didn’t pay a deposit and therefor had all the power and talks about only paying for half. Maybe he was making poor decisions because he felt rushed by the creeper staring at him the entire time he was trying to do the job? Maybe he just isn’t good? Either way, you should have given the poor guy the chance to make it right before you blasted it all over the internet. Plus side to this episode, way less “ummmms” which is usually what most of this content is, as more green industry podcasts and YouTube channels emerge this one will become irrelevant due to its low energy. Unsubscribe. |
![]() | Canada | 2020-09-02 | 5 | Wille Edward | Listen while I work | Starting from the beginning and only 14 episodes in. Love it so far and great to learn while I mow some lawns. |
![]() | United States | 2020-08-18 | 5 | Sargeant Yard Pros | Great lawn care podcast! | Hi from Oregon. It’s my first year in business part time. This podcast has helped me be more professional and answers many questions! Thanks so much! |
![]() | United States | 2020-08-15 | 4 | Jeffbockers | Stumbled upon your podcast | I’ve stumbled upon your podcast and love it. You have great tips. I have my own lawn business (part time) and I still work a normal 9-5. You have given me some great tips. Thank you very much. I also wanted to know if you sell any swag would love to get a hat. Jeff Bockius St. Louis Missouri |
![]() | United States | 2020-08-15 | 5 | Jeffbockers | Stumbled upon your podcast | I’ve stumbled upon your podcast and love it. You have great tips. I have my own lawn business (part time) and I still work a normal 9-5. You have given me some great tips. Thank you very much. I also wanted to know if you sell any swag would love to get a hat. Jeff Bockius St. Louis Missouri |
![]() | United Kingdom | 2020-08-12 | 5 | thegreenkeepergm | Here from the UK | Hi Julio, I’ve been here from last year and only last month kickstarted my lawn care business here in Hampshire in the uk. Thanks for the continued in depth personal knowledge and experience as for a start up business this is a really important asset to have. Cheers buddy |
![]() | United States | 2020-08-06 | 5 | Kevin 787 | Just what I needed | Incredible wealth of information about running a lawn care business. Anyone wanting more info from a pro should listen to this podcast |
![]() | Canada | 2020-07-02 | 5 | Clarington Lawn and Snow | OG Canadian Lawn Care Podcast | Julio is one of my best friends that I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting! Seriously enjoy listening to the conversations and meticulously thought out analyses of the topic up for discussion. I really appreciate the candid, honest approach that Julio presents. He discusses REAL topics such as an owner operators health and the business, strategies that make money (and some loosing ones to avoid). Really appreciate the topic of small mowers as we live in the Toronto area and suburban lots with gates, stairs, and other obstacles are real challengers! Thanks Julio for creating so much great content and remaining motivated and dedicated. Congratulations on your many years of success! |
![]() | United States | 2020-07-02 | 3 | panzercom2002 | Too much fluff. | Takes too long to get to the subject matter. I fast forward through the first ten to fifteen minutes of most podcasts. |
![]() | United States | 2020-06-23 | 5 | Georgia Lawn Ranger | I learn something new every day! | I just recently discovered lawn related podcasts and yours was the first one I checked out. I’ve been hooked since. I binge listen all day while I mow. I especially enjoy the interview episodes and hearing stories about others in the industry and how they do things. It seems like every day there’s knowledge to be gleaned that I can immediately implement into my business. I appreciate what you do, Julio, keep up the good work! Waylon McDaniel The Lawn Ranger Outdoor Services Monroe, GA |
![]() | United States | 2020-06-17 | 5 | Greg Nickels | Started my lawn business thanks to you | I’ve been wanting to start a lawn business for about 5 years. After listening to your podcasts (old and new) throughout this past winter. You have great information and tips. Although they might not all apply in my area, most do. So thanks for giving me the insight and courage to take the first step. I have enough clients now that I upgraded from loading everything in my truck to getting an enclosed trailer this past week, and this isn’t even my primary income. So thank you. Greg Nickels Owner of Nickels Lawn Care Sedalia, Missouri |
![]() | United States | 2020-06-08 | 5 | Sevilla00 | 👍🏻 | Thank you so very much for this content. It has helped me a lot Bussines wise... God Bless. |
![]() | United States | 2020-06-04 | 5 | Sts_lawncare_yardmachine | Educational and inspiring | I have been listening to this podcast for a few days. It is definitely worth the time to check it out. Julio is very professional and his topics are spot on for the Lawncare professional, whether you are a new small business or an older established bigger company. |
![]() | United States | 2020-05-11 | 5 | JoshCrist | Entertaining, insightful and actionable! 🙌 | Whether you’re well established as a lawn care business owner, or just getting started carving out a profitable niche that’s ready to grow - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Julio does an incredible job leading conversations that cover a huge breadth of topics related to the ins and outs of building a thriving lawn care business, and life you can be proud of - from leaders who’ve actually experienced success themselves. Highly recommend listening and subscribing! |
![]() | United States | 2020-05-11 | 5 | obacker19 | Entertaining, insightful and actionable! 🙌 | Whether you’re well established as a lawn care business owner, or just getting started carving out a profitable niche that’s ready to grow - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Julio does an incredible job leading conversations that cover a huge breadth of topics related to the ins and outs of building a thriving lawn care business, and life you can be proud of - from leaders who’ve actually experienced success themselves. Highly recommend listening and subscribing! |
![]() | United States | 2020-05-05 | 5 | MGExteriorHomeSolutions | Great podcast! | Great podcast with a ton of awesome info that has directly helped my business. |
![]() | Canada | 2020-04-30 | 5 | Gino BrightView | The best lawn care podcast around! | This should be the go-to podcast for anyone looking to start, or already running a lawn care business. It has helped me start from scratch, to get to running a business. Still, after almost 250 episodes, there is still something of value I get out of every single episode. Congratulations on 250 Julio! Your work is appreciated by many! -Gino BrightView Lawns and Landscaping Langley, BC, Canada |
![]() | United States | 2020-03-29 | 5 | Snellgrove Outdoor Services | I really enjoy your podcast | I have listen to your podcast for sometime but for sure the interview podcasts has got to be my favorite although most of the guys I follow on YouTube this really helps us see a different side to these people and become an inspiration to me thanks keep it up. I also like the two episodes a week but the one is like waiting on your favorite TV show to come on the next week the anticipation is great too keep up the good work thanks . |
![]() | Canada | 2020-03-08 | 5 | Spencer Bird | Awesome podcast!! | Such a very informative podcast with a passionate host! Always great interview guests on the show which I always look forward to listening to! |
![]() | United States | 2020-02-04 | 5 | Brian Fullerton | Educational and Fun! | Great podcast, great info, always a good time listening when we’re on the mower cutting lawns. Keep up the great work Julio! |
![]() | United States | 2020-01-30 | 3 | almyncknmesrtakn | Um | Bro. Stop saying Um. You gotta stop doing that if you want people to listen to you. |
![]() | United States | 2020-01-21 | 5 | Suika Lawn Care | Very motivating podcast for lawntrepreneurs! | This podcast has inspired me to really take my side hustle in lawn service to the next level (full-time). Julio has a great deal of experience and the interviews with other lawn care business owners gives listeners some more perspective in the business. Thanks Julio! |
![]() | United States | 2020-01-15 | 5 | E-Clips 2018 | Great business start up and ideas | I just wanted to say thank you for the many great ideas and different aspects of a lawn care business that you have shared thus far on the podcast. I have been listening for a little over year and a half and I have taken what you have said with a grain of salt, (like you have advised) and many of those things have come to pass and work very well for my business and I just want to say thank you for the help and the success that you have been bringing to my business through your podcast!! Great content for all lawn enthusiasts! |
![]() | United States | 2020-01-03 | 5 | Dusty Donald | Exactly what I was looking for! | Came across while searching for something in this genre. Amazingly I am hooked. Definitely well produced and great to listen to while I work. Tons of information for growing your lawn business. The host sounds passionate about what he does which makes for this successful podcast. |
![]() | United States | 2019-12-10 | 5 | Blackfork lawn&snow | Great podcast for the lawntrepreneur | Ive been listing to this podcast for awhile now and the content and guests on the program have helped me in my business from pricing , dealing with customers or simple ideas on how to better yourself in business. |
![]() | United States | 2019-12-10 | 5 | Jessejames_averageidiot | Great podcast for the lawntrepreneur | Ive been listing to this podcast for awhile now and the content and guests on the program have helped me in my business from pricing , dealing with customers or simple ideas on how to better yourself in business. |
![]() | Canada | 2019-12-03 | 5 | landscaper1404 | A Great Podcast | Amazing informational and entertaining podcast. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out this podcast will help you thrive in the industry. From information on the latest equipment, interviews with industry leaders, techniques and tips to be more efficient in the field and in the office, and even how solo operators can get away for a Disney vacation. This podcast provides listeners with an abundance of knowledge! Give it a listen, you won’t regret it. Kent -owner of Muskoka Property Care (7 years running a lawn care and landscaping business) |
![]() | United States | 2019-12-03 | 5 | Youcanwritetoooooo | All fluff? I don’t think so | This podcast has helped and encouraged me to start my business. I like hearing the real to life stories Julio has. He comes with a lot of great info as well. I could go on and on, but I’ll finish with this....thank you |
![]() | United States | 2019-11-22 | 1 | vrceXxsszssxez | All fluff | 20 min in to an episode and I’ve only heard promotion for meetups and products, terrible info/monetization ratio. |
![]() | United States | 2019-11-22 | 5 | Springgreen Paul | Love it!!! | Thoroughly enjoy Julios podcast. Lots of information for beginners and veterans alike. Keep them coming! |
![]() | United States | 2019-10-30 | 5 | Memphisrains21 | Awesome Lawn Care Podcast | Julio is awesome to listen to when I’m working. Always great information and easy to listen to. Thanks for all your hard work producing these! |
![]() | United States | 2019-10-12 | 5 | Paul Jamison | Keep up the Good Work | My guy Julio has been in this industry for about 14 years. I appreciate him taking the time to share his experiences and insights on this show. Keep up the good work! |
![]() | United Kingdom | 2019-10-08 | 5 | GATHSMAN | Binge listening from across the pond. | Hi Julio. I have a regular 9-5 job during which I’ve been sat at my desk binge listening the first 60 episodes of your great show!! I’m in the process of setting up my own gardening business - completed work for 2 clients over some weekends, building a website and I’m going to advertise. Hopefully all will be in place for next spring!! Your show has been really inspiring and motivational for me during my own process and has given me loads of advice to drive on with my plans! Thanks for the work you put in, looking forward to the next 140 shows and beyond. Steve. |
![]() | United States | 2019-10-05 | 5 | TDLawns | AMAZING Podcast!!!!!!! | So much more than just a podcast. Julio gives awesome tips and advice and always has great content that is enjoyable to listen to. The podcast doesn’t just list ideas, but gives relatable stories and experiences. Can’t wait for more episodes, keep up the great work. Sincerely, TD Lawns |
![]() | United States | 2019-10-05 | 5 | Tadlius | AMAZING Podcast!!!!!!! | So much more than just a podcast. Julio gives awesome tips and advice and always has great content that is enjoyable to listen to. The podcast doesn’t just list ideas, but gives relatable stories and experiences. Can’t wait for more episodes, keep up the great work. Sincerely, TD Lawns |
![]() | United States | 2019-09-17 | 5 | AntonioCass | I don't miss an episode | I've been in business for about 7 years. Over the past 2 that I've been listening to Julio's show, I've implemented lots of changes based on his episodes. It has helped me become more organized and systematic, which has in turn moved me from just breaking even to profitable. I was at the point of giving up on lawn-care, but Julio's content has helped breathe new life into the business, and we are moving in the right direction now. Keep up the good work! |
![]() | Australia | 2019-08-29 | 5 | Dionni51 | Electric Lawns - Sydney, Australia | I have been working in the property maintenance industry for around 15 years and still find new things to learn from this podcast. I have recently performed a full overhaul of my marketing and business direction using many of the great tips and tricks from the podcast which are very relevant to today's digital world. Great work and keep it up. |
![]() | United States | 2019-07-04 | 5 | Sanders Lawn Service | Lawn care edging | Great video full of information but many people walk forward when edging with a string trimmer and on the grass side |
![]() | Australia | 2019-06-28 | 5 | !!fitz!! | Keep it up!! | Hi, I’m david from Western Australia. I’m just starting out and things are going surprisingly well. I particularly found the trailer episodes extremely handy as that’s my next big purchase. Your knowledge is valuable. Thanks again |
![]() | United States | 2019-06-27 | 5 | Wilburr23 | Awesome! | Been listening for a while now and always enjoy the content. Spot on with many of the same challenges/obstacles faced. Great insight and suggestions provided. Highly recommend. Southern Scenery Lawn and Landscaping Columbus,GA USA |
![]() | United States | 2019-05-23 | 5 | Balockay 63 | Awesome podcast | Just discovered this today and have listened to numerous episodes! Looking to start a small service in a rural town. Thanks for all the advice, it will definitely come into play. |
![]() | United States | 2019-05-21 | 5 | Grant Martin1995 | Informative, helpful, motivational. | I’m 23 and have just decided to start growing my small mowing business from just managing large family owned properties to marketing and reaching new customers in addition. This podcast is great to listen to while you work. It has given me so much wisdom starting out. Thanks, Julio! Grant Martin-Martin Mowing and Lawn Care Richmond, KY |
![]() | United States | 2019-05-16 | 5 | nathan koorey | Great landscaping podcast | This is a great show great information love listen to it listen to it all the time love the new content From Nate True lawn care |
![]() | United States | 2019-05-06 | 5 | MargoIe | Amazing podcast | Highly suggest. Good content. Great for when your just starting out. |
![]() | Australia | 2019-05-03 | 5 | Jemmasg | Green’s lawn and garden | Gday mate! Awesome listening to you while working. I’ve been listening to you for 2 years now. I started listening to you when I was just toying with the idea of having my own business and still do a year into it. Awesome content! |
![]() | United States | 2019-02-27 | 5 | geoff4554 | Enjoy the podcast! | Glad to find you! |
![]() | United States | 2019-02-14 | 5 | ktlm lawn care | Very informative | Love the weekly podcast. As a new business owner it’s a great way to get new ideas while I work. |
![]() | United States | 2019-02-05 | 5 | Alex Stanton 2 | Great podcast for all ages | It’s a great podcast for anyone that is looking to become a better business owner and learn new things. As a high school kid going off to college soon this has helped me learn a lot of things so that I can continue working through college and continue my own business after. |
![]() | United States | 2019-01-30 | 4 | Pbslacker | Some great info | I’m just starting out and it’s always to hear from someone who shares their triumphs and loss. |
![]() | United States | 2018-11-17 | 5 | jobryant1990nc | Great podcast | Hi, I recently started listening to your podcast about six months ago. There is so much great content that you are putting out it has led me to finally pull the trigger on starting my own lawn care company. It is something I talked about for many years but I was finally motivated to the point where I needed to create my own company when I started listening to your podcast. I appreciate your Podcasts and all the great information that you put out I wish you nothing but the best thank you very much. |
![]() | United States | 2018-10-31 | 3 | First time user82 | 1st 15 minutes is advertising. | Honestly, I want to listen to the podcast, but episode 171 literally had 15 minutes (up front) totally unrelated to what the topic was supposed to be about. Now I can totally understand the need to advertise some and prep the show, but maybe only for the first two minutes. Say what you want to say you up front and advertise it but then get to “it”. |
![]() | United States | 2018-10-21 | 5 | Exmark User | Awesome podcast | Thank you for your time that you take making the podcast episodes. Keep up the great work |
![]() | United States | 2018-10-12 | 5 | Ston3balls | Phenomenal Podcast | I discovered Julio back at the beginning of 2018. I never was a big fan of podcasts, but I needed something new other than music. Me owning a lawn care business I naturally entered that in the search bar and found this podcast. I am not a new business or a seasoned vet, I’m somewhere in the middle. There is always value added to me and my business on every episode. My only regret is that I didn’t find this podcast sooner in my business. If you are new to lawn care industry, I highly suggest putting this podcast on auto play and start taking notes. There is so much gold that can help a new business get off the ground super fast and save some of the trial and error stuff I did, because I wasn’t absorbing the content that was out there. This is the very first podcast that I listen to on Tuesday mornings. Please, do yourself a favor and start listening! |
![]() | United States | 2018-07-31 | 5 | Jake Hartsfield usmc | Thank you from Alabama! | I listen to every episode while mowing lawns. Thanks for the hard work. I would love to read that guys comment on my voice/speaking from Deep South! Being yourself is why I like your content. |
![]() | United States | 2018-07-28 | 5 | BrokawLawn | Great resource for lawn care professionals | Julio delivers sound advice week in and week out. His podcasts are delivered in an educational & conversational format, making each episode an easy-to-follow topic. You can tell Julio is passionate and knowledgeable about lawn care. He’s got a friendly personality, the type of guy you could spend hours talking shop with. An excellent resource for all lawn care professionals. |
![]() | United States | 2018-07-20 | 2 | HeidiLeitheiser | Need serious improvement | While listening to the podcast, in addition to way too much promo, literally every other word is “uhhh” & “ummm”. It makes it almost unbearable to listen to & devalues the content. |
![]() | United States | 2018-07-19 | 5 | Steel | Great podcast! | I’ve been listening for a couple of weeks now. Thinking about starting out a side hustle. Great information, very detailed. I’m starting from the beginning and making my way to the end. |
![]() | Australia | 2018-06-25 | 5 | Working Grass Man | The best Lawn Care Business Podcast | I have listened to a few different lawn care business podcasts now and this is the best by far. Julio has a great deal of knowledge to share and it is done in a clear, easy to understand and down to earth way. The sound quality is a standout, as it is of the highest grade. I highly recommend this podcast if your in, looking to enter or interested in the lawn care industry. Jay Working Grass Man Australia |
![]() | United States | 2018-06-19 | 5 | Knox Tennessee | Listen, Laugh, Learn, Grow | This is by far the most information on starting/growing your own landscaping business grouped into a single place. Not only are the information and stories told by Julio very informative, but they are also extremely entertaining! This is what I listen to while I work. This is what I listen to while I drive. This is just what I listen to. Period. This is the best podcast I have found relating to lawn care and landscaping services, and I can't express enough how much this podcast has helped to change/mold my mindset on running a business in a professional manner. It's easy to be the "yard guy" that shows up in cutoffs and jorts, but this podcast helps to not let that happen. Thank you Julio for your amazing work! Please keep those new episodes rolling in!! Much love and appreciation from the mountains of East Tennessee. |
![]() | United States | 2018-06-08 | 5 | FuzzKill | Awesome And Just what I Was Looking For! | I am in the middle of staring my own lawn care business on the side and this podcast has been instrumental in helping me develop myself and my business. Great information, topics that relate to me, and excellent content. This is a must if you are starting your own lawn care business! |
![]() | United States | 2018-06-07 | 5 | Paul Grindley | What a great show!! | I have been listening now for a couple of weeks after kicking around the idea of starting my own lawncare business. Your content is great. As an aspiring small lawncare business owner, your podcast is helping me fill in the holes of what I didn't even know I needed to know. I am in the very beginning stages of starting my company. Thank you for the time you have invested into this high quality podcast. |
![]() | Canada | 2018-04-27 | 4 | Bakerview Landscaping | Bakerview Landscaping | Has done well for me and been informative. Lots of questions were answered that I didn’t even know I had |
![]() | United States | 2018-02-09 | 5 | Primitive Lawn and Gardening | Love It! | I love this podcast! I’ve owned my company Primitive Lawn and Gardening for a few years and was losing motivation but this really helped me light the fire again! I’m ready for 2018! Thank you and keep posting more! |
![]() | United States | 2018-02-03 | 5 | huh uh why | Attention keeper | I just wanted to write a quick review. I am a local residential contractor in Lancaster Ohio where Caleb Auman is from. Caleb and I have had the opportunity to work together on a few projects. I came to listen to his podcast, but I thoroughly enjoyed the show!! I will be back to listen to others. Keep up the good work!! |
![]() | United States | 2018-01-27 | 5 | Wads911 | The reason I started my business | Julio provides valuable insight working as a lone lawn care entrepreneur. He was the one that provide encouragement to start my business this year. His sample contract has already come in handy. Thank you! |
![]() | United States | 2018-01-16 | 5 | MOWS LAWN & IRON | DO NOT MISS OUT | If you’re in the Lawn care industry in any way you will learn at least one thing listening to just one episode. I have yet listened to a episode of LCBS and not taken away valuable information. You can be a big or small time business owner.. a home owner.. or just someone considering a little extra income.. you will not only get free info but if you just listen.. more than likely you will love this podcast. Julio is a very positive, not to mention powerful asset to the online lawn care community. Thanks for reading - MOWS LAWN & IRON - |
![]() | United States | 2017-11-17 | 5 | Koerner Lawn | Encouraging | I love listening to the podcast while I mow because finally I feel like someone understands why and how I do what I do for a living! Thank you for the encouragement! |
![]() | United States | 2017-11-15 | 5 | GreenscapesOhii | This podcast has changed everything! | My days have been so much better since finding this podcast! Great information from a really down to earth, REAL guy. Both educational and entertaining. Really helps pass the time while I'm working. I've been in the industry 20 years now. I wish this was around when I was getting started! My only complaint is that they aren't daily and I'm running out of past episodes! Thanks a lot for making my days better! - Ron, Greenscapes Ohio |
![]() | United States | 2017-09-28 | 5 | NathanJ916 | Great and informative podcast | Thank you for all your time that you put into this podcast each week. I am a new listener and this podcast was so great I listened to every episode from the beginning. What I like most about Julio is he truly cares about all of his listeners and has their best interests at heart. He is a man of honesty and integrity. He makes every podcast important because he knows you the listener are relying on him to bring sound honest advice that he himself has been through. This is not fluff, he tells it how it is. Both his interview episodes and solo episodes are full of useful information. Please keep up the good work. The reason I started listening to Julio was because he was still putting up episodes, so keep them coming please. |
![]() | Australia | 2017-09-27 | 5 | Sssimoo | Great podcast | I've been in the mowing industry for over 20 yrs and still have more to learn, this podcast has shown me that. Love the podcast Julio keep up the great work 👍🏼 |
![]() | United States | 2017-09-02 | 5 | Turf Monkey Lawn Care | Great podcast | Extremely motivating!!! This podcast has great energy and tons of insight for individuals new lawn care. |
![]() | United States | 2017-08-22 | 5 | LABTim | Quality info to get you going! | I listen to this all the time while at work!! It's an awesome source to get you started, tips to accelerate you fast, coming from a guy who truly cares about his listeners as well as a passion for the industry! Appreciate all the great nuggets shared!!! thank you! |
![]() | United Kingdom | 2017-07-22 | 5 | TreeManDave | Excellent industry specific podcast! | Being in lawn care myself in the UK this is a very relevant and fun podcast to tune into! Well worth subscribing too. |
![]() | Canada | 2017-07-10 | 5 | Geocaching Misha | Great source of ideas (still 100% revellant for me) | Lots of great ideas on how to make your company work better, I wish I had podcast resources like this and Dirt Monkey when I ran my first landscape company. I live in a cheaper environment, where $60/hour would be only a dream but the ideas work here as well. (actually my time on tasks on smaller jobs falls into that zone) One year later I still am eager to learn more, being dyslexic listening to podcasts is an ideal learning tool. Thank you for giving this to the community 😀 Misha LeBlanc, CLT, CTech Geo Moncton, NB |
![]() | Canada | 2017-06-20 | 5 | Ducke's | It's Canadian yyyaaaaa | Love the podcast. Full of great nuggets so good to hear it from a fellow Canadian. Keep up the great work. |
![]() | United States | 2017-06-13 | 5 | ZEV34 | Great stuff | I'm new to the industry and this is helping me step in the right direction! |
![]() | United States | 2017-06-13 | 5 | Zac w/ 34 Lawn Care | Great stuff | I'm new to the industry and this is helping me step in the right direction! |
![]() | United States | 2017-06-11 | 5 | Geo19819 | Excellent podcast | This is a great podcast I'm hooked!! Highest recommendations, I reference topics from the show all the time at work. |
![]() | United States | 2017-06-08 | 5 | Kevin at LawnMen LLc | owner | I have lisened to all the past shows and the content is better than great it is awesome . So much you can learn from each episode. Please dont stop making the episodes cause you are helping to inspire me and so many other people to go out and work hard. To get out of there comfort zone. All i know is they dont have enough stars on here 5 is not enough more like 100 star. Keep it up your doing great. (Awesome ) |
![]() | United States | 2017-05-11 | 5 | Dustin Kent | Great Podcast | This is a great podcast! I listen to it during my long drive to work and back home trying to gather as much information and as many tips as I can to better prepare myself for the start of my very own lawn and landscaping business. I really enjoy the interviews! There's a lot of really good information to be had here. Keep up the good work! |
![]() | United States | 2017-04-30 | 5 | Jeff'sLawn | Great podcast | I really enjoy listening while I work. It's nice to hear a podcast from someone who knows what it's like to own and operate a solo lawn care business |
![]() | United States | 2017-04-30 | 5 | Jtnz18 | FOR THE LAWN CARE COMMUNITY | Catered to those interested in starting a lawn care business, those who are seasoned veterans in the lawn care business field, or for the regular average homeowner. The LawnCare Business Success podcast focuses on an array of topics and subjects within the lawn care community. Julio makes his podcast very easy to listen to, entertaining, and has the gift of carrying great conversation. As a member himself within the social media lawn care community, Julio has a great connection with fellow Instagram 'ers and Youtube 'ers which makes his interviews by far my favorite podcasts! You know you're listening to a great stream when many of the "Top Dogs" in the business happily agree to be interviewed by Julio. It just shows the great respect that they have for him. My honest review, I listen to his show every night. Re-runs until he posts a new podcast. Thank you Julio! Keep the show alive, and keep up the great work! - JC The Lawn Care Guy |
![]() | United States | 2017-04-23 | 5 | Tjchevy | Always providing excellent content! | I started listening to this podcast this time last year from the first episode and as every new episode came out the quality just kept getting better. I have been in this business since 2005 in the state of FL and as Julio continues to put out EXCELLENT episodes I still learn something each time I hit that play button. I went through some rough and crazy times with my health last year and it was great having the Lawn Care Business Success Podcast there with great words of wisdom from himself and many of the fellow green industry guests that Julio has had on. Keep up the great work! |
![]() | United States | 2017-04-17 | 5 | Detlabear | awsome podcast | I love listening to this podcast. I have learned so much since i have started and are continuing to learn love it |
![]() | United States | 2017-03-27 | 5 | Matt LaMarsh | Enjoy the show | Great podcast with great insight to the green industry! |
![]() | Canada | 2017-03-23 | 5 | Thirsty's Lawn Care | Great content for new or existing lawn care businesses | Very much enjoying this podcast. I quickly listen to the new episode weekly to hear valuble lawn care techniques that can accelerate my buisness. Glad I found this podcast! Keep up the great work! Thanks for all your continued work, and experience. |
![]() | United States | 2017-03-22 | 5 | Pmoney1997 | 1:34 minute episode. ARE YOU SERIOUS? | That is exactly what I thought before I started listening. I am starting on Episode 92 and couldn't be more pleased. Great content, great information, I will be starting from the beginning as this is my year to start my lawn service. |
![]() | United States | 2017-03-09 | 5 | Harmony Landscaping | Awesome podcast | He puts some much into his podcast you can tell. Great podcast. |
![]() | United States | 2016-11-18 | 5 | Zombie zlayer112 | Thanks Julio! | Hey Julio. I just wanted to say thank you for all of the hard work you put into the show. The information has been tremendous in helping me grow my lawn care business. Thanks for what you do and I wish you continued SUCCESS! |
![]() | United States | 2016-11-13 | 5 | Joshsteinbach85 | Great podcast | Love having some one in the same area as me that understands all of the rain! |
![]() | United States | 2016-09-05 | 5 | ssport | Love the show | I really enjoy this show. Mr Tome is not only insightful, but entertaining as well. He has a very pleasant and engaging personality and has a gift of painting a picture, a snapshot of his life and business that everyone in the lawn business will be able to relate to and appreciate. Not everything about this business is peaches and cream, and sure enough Mr. Tome is good at pointing out some of the downsides and potential pitfalls, but at the same time he has a cheerful personality, a joy of self-employment and is a good teacher and motivator. This show offers a realistic peek into the life of a man who has made it on his own and who loves the freedom this business has brought him.....He has lots of tips and interesting stories to share. Some of these experiences are funny, like how he mows circles around dog poop...others are serious, such as how he got his trailer and equipment stolen, and yet others are head-scratching, such as how he mows out in the pouring rain with just regular shorts and a shirt on, with no poncho or rain jacket. One of the shows that was most helpful was an episode where he reminded his listeners to stay cheerful during the day, especially around customers. Indeed, nobody wants to hire or be around a miserable person. And sometimes it's easy to be miserable when it's really hot outside. Great advice and a good reminder for those of us who tend to forget about this concept sometimes. |
![]() | United States | 2016-08-27 | 5 | Onefastlxx | What a great podcast | First I'd like to say thank you for your time and effort. As a business owner we wear so many hats from a secretary, mechanic, IT tech, sales person, safety supervisor etc. What a great way to keep us going everyday then by listening to someone who has been there and done that to help us run a successful business. Keep up the good work!! |
![]() | United States | 2016-08-07 | 5 | TurfCareSpecialties | Great Lawn Care Podcast | I've been in this business for over 30 years and I enjoy listening to these podcasts while I work. Even after 30 years in the business, I've picked up some good pieces of new advice from Julio. Keep posting new episodes and I'll tune in. |
![]() | United States | 2016-08-03 | 4 | Jdowns22 | All around a good thing to listen to. | You can feel the passion he has for passing on his knowledge to you the listener. He does get sidetracked often and tends to tell the same stories so don't listen to all of his episodes in a row. For new and growing lawn care business owners it's tons of great info. I recommend it to anyone. |
![]() | United States | 2016-07-31 | 5 | Ronny Contreras | Super great show! Highly recommended | This podcast is awesome! As a first year lawn care business owner this podcast has been super informative and motivational. There's a new episode every Tuesday that really get down to the nuts and bolts of running your own lawn care service. I recommend this show not only to landscapers to but any small business owner in general. I'm sure that anyone will find value in what this guy has to offer. Highly recommend! 5 out 5 stars! |
![]() | United States | 2016-07-12 | 5 | gerardome | Lots of great info for start-ups or ongoing lawn care providers. | I look forward to your podcasts, your information has helped and kept me going. A few weeks ago you were talking about not knowing what direction you were wanting to go in your business and in your podcasts. I wanted to let you know that I was feeling the same way, after 7 years in the business, and with each tip and with each piece of advice you give, I remember the whole reason i got into the business in the first place! Thanks Julio |
![]() | United States | 2016-06-22 | 5 | Bill Mehnert | Invaluable Information | Great, great Show! Julio is providing fantastic and invaluable information that you can't readily find on the Internet. I'm starting my own lawn care business in the Spring of 2017 down here in San Antonio and I have all the confidence in the world now. Once again, Thank you Julio! Bill M |
![]() | United States | 2016-03-08 | 5 | Zacharywood07 | Hello From Florida! | Great show with lots of useful tips. I own a 6 month old lawn care business in the hot state of Florida. I hear you talk about how you only mow for certain months up there in Canada, but we now all year around down here! Anyways, I have listened to all of you shows while I am on the job, and they are much appreciated! Keep them coming! |
![]() | United States | 2016-02-24 | 5 | Very practicle and informative | Ezekiel Vann | Thanks Julio for all your work. I contacted Julio recently with a show idea and he responded right away. Turns out I wasnt the only one with my particular request about a show on software. Little did I know Julio himself was going through the process to update his software and had already recorded the episode about lawn service software just before I contacted him. The great thing is that he did all the work of research for himself but made it available for all of us to benefit from. |
![]() | United States | 2016-01-26 | 5 | Mr. Jason Hurley | Love the podcast. | I have blown through all your podcast episodes in three days. I wish there was more to help motivate me through the winter. |
![]() | United States | 2016-01-25 | 5 | Mr. Deligence | #1 | Great work |
![]() | Australia | 2015-11-12 | 5 | GT down under | Great show | Years of experience shows in the helpful information that Julio gives. It has given me greater confidence to succeed in my own business. Thanks mate. |
![]() | United States | 2015-10-24 | 5 | GoldTopsRock | Excellent podcast!!! | I've been listening to this podcast for several months and enjoy each and everyone of them. I look forward to each Tuesday's new release. Julio is knowledgeable and entertaining. He provides information and advice on the day to day of the lawn care business. Using his experience has helped me to implement a few new ideas into my lawn care business based on what works for me. I highly recommend this podcast and easily rate it 5 stars. |
![]() | United States | 2015-10-15 | 5 | J Carbary | Really great show! | Loving this podcast. Episode topics are interesting, the content is incredibly helpful, and the episode length is perfect. Keep up the great work, Julio. |
![]() | United States | 2015-07-22 | 5 | Kerri Cox | Lawn Care Business Advice Backed by Experience | I've enjoyed learning about business from someone who has been there and succeeded in a competitive field. Keep up the good work! |
![]() | United Kingdom | 2015-06-28 | 5 | Just lawns | Great podcast | This is a new podcast but so far so good. Really enjoying it and looking forward to what's to come! |